Meals, Nutrition and Medication Management - Forever Dublin
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Meals, Nutrition and Medication Management. Making Healthy Habits for Life

Enjoying nutritious and delicious meals is an important aspect of staying healthy. As we age, it can sometimes be difficult to always plan and make meals. There are several resources available to help you access good food and healthy meals.

Well-balanced meals are delivered to the older adult’s home to promote adequate nutrition. Hot noon meals are available Monday through Friday. A cold evening meal and/or weekend meals may also be provided.

Learn more here.

PASSPORT provides help at home for seniors as an alternative to nursing home care.

Senior services available include homemaker, transportation, personal care services, home-delivered meals, emergency response systems, adult day services, and case management.

PASSPORT, providing help at home for Ohio seniors, is also referred to as Ohio’s home and community based Medicaid-waiver program for older adults.

Learn more here.


When you choose LifeCare Alliance as your Meals-on-Wheels provider, you’re getting much more than a meal. You’re reaping the benefits of our decades of experience and dedication to going the extra mile.

We deliver thousands of meals each day to satisfied customers in Franklin, Madison, Marion, Champaign, and Logan counties. How can we deliver for you?

Learn more here.


LifeCare Alliance administers the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) on behalf of the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging (COAAA).This program is funded by the USDA, with additional support from the Franklin County Office on Aging.

Annually, the program runs from June 1 through October 31.

Learn more here.

The Ohio Food Assistance Program (federally known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP) is designed to raise nutritional levels, to expand buying power, and to safeguard the health and well being of individuals in low-income households in Ohio. A household may consist of an individual or a group of individuals who live together and usually purchase, prepare, and eat their food together.

Learn more here.

The service is designed to help seniors remain living at home while maintaining good nutrition. All nutrition clients receive an initial in-home assessment by one of SourcePoint’s professional care consultants.

Learn more here.

Part of successfully maintaining an independent lifestyle in your senior years is to be able to count on caring people to provide services you can no longer take care of. Our Memorial Mobile Meals service provides nutritious lunches every weekday to people in their homes throughout Union County.

Learn more here.

Medication Management

One in three Americans who use prescription medications is an older adult. Older adults also account for three out of 10 adults who use non-prescription (or over-the-counter) medications. Older adults are also more likely to take multiple medications prescribed by several health care providers. This puts older adults at increased risk for reactions, such as falls, depression, confusion and malnutrition. Further, research has shown that three out of five older adults take their prescriptions improperly, including skipping doses, not filling prescriptions and not following the prescriber’s directions.

Learn more here.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Programs offer free services to eligible members of Medicare Drug plans. These services help make sure that medications are working to improve their members’ health. Members can talk with a pharmacist or other health professional and find out how to get the most benefit from their medications. Members can ask questions about costs, drug reactions, or other problems. Each member gets their own action plan and medication list after the discussion. These can be shared with their doctors or other health care providers. Members who take different medications for more than one health condition may contact their drug plan to see if they’re eligible.

Talk with your pharmacist or health care provide to learn more.